Baby Lucy

Well, a lot has happened during the past 2 weeks. First, I've been feeling the babies move very frequently now...just AMAZING! I had started to wonder if the day would ever come when I'd know I was feeling them without a doubt. That day is here! Second, and even more exciting...Kyle can feel them! It is such a wonderful experience to carry your children and feel their every move. He is so happy to start sharing in that experience. Every night he falls asleep with his hand on my belly, smiling & giggling every time they give him a little nudge. It makes my heart melt! Our "little" family is really becoming a reality. We are so thankful to have made it this far. Being able to feel them has really decreased my stress level...I know they're alive and well all day every day!
We had our 20 week level II ultrasound last Wednesday with a perinatologist. It was one of the most incredible moments in our lives. She looked at every inch of both babies, checking their brains, spinal cords, hearts, stomachs, bladders, kidneys, arms and legs. Lucy is still a girl, Oliver still a boy :) They were moving around SO much during the ultrasound. She kept saying, "Settle down children, hold still, I'm trying to take your picture!" It was hilarious. Both babies have good-looking placentas with great blood flow through their umbilical cords and have plenty of amniotic fluid. My cervix is closed & measured 4.8 cm, nice and long, no signs of preterm labor. Both babies are a great size, measuring a little bigger than average with Lucy at 12 ounces and Oliver at 14 ounces. What a great relief, nothing but good news!
After the ultrasound, we ate lunch and headed to Babies R Us to register. What an experience that was! I've been waiting so long to pick out everything I want and need for my babies, it was good ending to a wonderful day. I have to admit, was rather overwhelming making all of those decisions! There are so many different things to consider, especially with twins. We were a little over halfway through the store when my stomach started growling...I looked at Kyle and said, "I'm hungry for some reason." He agreed, but we couldn't figure out why because we had "just" eaten lunch. A while later, Kyle finally checked his phone for the time...we had been there for 5 hours!! No wonder we were hungry!