We had our 2nd ultrasound today and got some good news & some bad news. First, the good news...both babies look perfect, growing nicely with great heart rates. Twin A is measuring 8w0d with a heartrate of 158 & Twin B is measuring 7w6d with a heart rate of 166. They are so cute :) Our little gummy bears!! And for the bad news...we saw a bleed next to the babies. Our RE is calling it a subchorionic hematoma which is basically a pooling of blood & clots in the uterus. The cause is unknown & there isn't really a treatment. I'm on bedrest for at least one week, but I can go to work. Now, I don't really understand this, but I guess because I only work 2 nights a week she thinks I'll be okay. It makes me a little nervous, but I'll try to be on my feet as little as possible. We want the blood to either reabsorb on its own or come out slowly through my cervix. Your uterus sees blood as an irritant & can start contracting to expel it. If this happens & my cervix opens, then we might lose one or both babies. We can't even think about this right now. It's kind of a "wait and see" game at this point. I will have another ultrasound next week with my RE & then I will have my first appt with my new OB on April 1st. Please keep us in your thoughts & prayers. Keep your fingers crossed that next week's ultrasound will show that the bleed has gotten smaller, or at least not bigger!!
I really want to post the ultrasound pics from today. Our scanner is still broken, but I'll see what I can do.
So sorry you have to go through yet another "issue." I'll be thinking about you! Get some rest.