This was taken a few minutes 18 weeks 3 days. Please excuse the many bruises. Gotta love daily Lovenox injections! It's all for you babies :)
I realized it's been awhile since my last post. I guess with summer in full swing now, I've been spending less & less time inside at the computer. That's a good thing though, right? My 17 week appt went well. No ultrasound because something was wrong the machine. My OB was able to find 2 distinct heartbeats very quickly. One sounded calm, cool & collected. And the other (we believe to be our rambunctious boy) was pounding hard & fast. Lucy was heard on the left side of my belly button, Oliver on the right. Yep...we're 90% sure we've chosen names for Mac & Cheese! We will soon (well in about 4 months) be the proud parents of Oliver & Lucy Hammontree!!!! It is so exciting to have them named :) They can hear now so we've been talking to them daily & I've been singing loudly in the car. I figure they better get used to my "wonderful" singing voice now!
Oliver & Lucy had their first experience in a pool today! I don't know if they noticed the difference, but their Mommy sure did! Man oh man did that water feel nice! I know I'm not that big yet, but it felt great to feel some pressure lifted off my back. I predict we'll be spending lots of time at our neighborhood pool this year. One of my neighbors was there with her 8 month old son. She was pregnant at the pool last summer. It's crazy/super exciting to know that that will be me next year. Times 2!
Well, I'm off to enjoy a nice evening of poker & wii playing with some good friends. Gotta love summer!
Look at that precious bump!! We need to get together soon. I feel like I haven't seen you forever!!