Lucy's face, hands and belly

Lucy's feet "kicking" Oliver's head

Heads Together: Oliver's big head on the left, Lucy's on the right
These were taken on July 29th at 27 weeks. Oliver was estimated to be 2lbs 8oz and Lucy to be 2lbs 2oz. Lucy was frank breech, meaning she was butt down with her feet and head up by my ribs. Oliver was still transverse, meaning he was laying horizontal, his head on my right and his feet on my left. Lucy was caught kicking him in the head! So funny. I'm sure he'll get her back eventually. They are both so active, I wouldn't be surprised if they have changed positions in the last 3 weeks. I'm not sure when my next ultrasound will be, probably this week or next. We're curious to see how much they've grown and if they've flipped. I've been having lots of Braxton Hicks contractions, but my cervix still looks good with no signs of preterm labor.
what a relief to get to 30 weeks! I remember how AWESOME that was! Twin pregnancies are so unpredictable sometimes! You look great and the pics with the pink and blue bows on your tummy are so cool!!!