Well folks, we have embryos! 9 to be exact!! Our embryologist called this morning at 8:07 to give us the good news. So, exactly 60% of my eggs fertilized normally :) Textbook. Woohoo! He'll call every morning with our little embies' progress & will biopsy them on Saturday. We can't wait to go to sleep so we can wake up to another report :)
I'm still really sore...it's hard to stand up straight because of all the cramping. Hoping tomorrow will be better. I'm so glad I don't have to go back to work this weekend. I will be able to rest & heal, preparing my body for our precious embryos! I can't wait to be PUPO (pregnant until proven otherwise). Clever, huh :)
The news just keeps getting better! Hope you feel better and I'll be thinking about you in the meantime. If you need anything, let me know!