Monday, February 9, 2009


It's official! We are PUPO! Remember, Pregnant Until Proven Otherwise! We can hardly contain our excitement :) The phone call bright & early this morning revealed all 9 embryos continued development. Then around 10:45 am we received another call...the test results. 2 out of the 9 embryos were found to be normal for all 10 chromosomes tested. Another 3 embryos have questionable results. Embryo #1 is being tested again tonight to re-count the sex chromosomes (right now they think it is missing one, & is therefore abnormal), Embryo #4 needs to be re-biopsied (something happened to that cell during the shipping process), and Embryo #5 is normal for half the chromosomes (the other half couldn't be tested due to a lab error). They will keep an eye on these 3 questionables. If they develop into blastocysts (making it to the next stage of development) over the next couple of days, then these 3 may be frozen. Confused? I don't blame you.

I had my acupuncture treatment this morning as planned. Kyle came along & we received a combined treatment. It was very relaxing & helped focus our energy on successful implantation of our embryos. We will have a second treatment tomorrow morning. Positive mental attitude!

Back to our embies that we transferred...

The embryos we chose are early blastocysts, around 100 cells large & very healthy looking according to our wonderful embryologist, Dr. Wilson. We were able to see them on a monitor before they were transferred to their new home (my uterus). They were so cute :) Kyle took pictures! It's pretty amazing, the first baby pictures :) Only one of the pictures turned out...that's the one you see at the top of today's post. The transfer went well, a little uncomfortable. I had to lay on the exam table for about 15 minutes following the procedure & off we went. For the next couple days, I need to be sitting or laying down other than bathroom & meal breaks. These embies need time to nestle into their new home :) Stick embies, stick! Over the next 1-5 days they will settle in & implant. Yeah!

Alright, so here's the other BIG news. As most of you know, by doing the genetic testing we know the gender of the embryos we transferred. Following transfer, I contacted the PGD lab in West Virginia. We are PUPO with boy/girl twins!!!! How much better can it get!!! So far, this whole process has been a dream come true...having 15 eggs, 9 embryos, all 9 making it to day 5, having 2 normal healthy embryos to transfer, those embryos be 1 boy & 1 girl, and having a possibility of freezing a couple embryos for later.

Here's where you come in...please please be thinking of us over the next week. I have my beta (blood pregnancy test) next Tuesday, the 17th. We need all the thoughts & prayers we can get for these embies to keep growing & implant. I'll say it again...stick, embies, stick! They are already loved & we can't wait to meet them :) Thanks for all your continued support & loving interest in this whole process. It means more than we could ever express.

1 comment:

  1. YAY!!! I know that part of the "hard part" is over, but you have my prayers for the rest of the journey too!!
