Sunday, February 8, 2009

Day 4 Embryos

We spent the entire day outside yesterday. My face even got a little pink! Last night we had a few close friends over for a BBQ. It totally felt like a perfect spring day. Loved it!

This morning we got the call that ALL our embryos are still dividing & looking well!! I have to say I was a little nervous from yesterday to today. I have read that people lose a lot of embryos from day 3 to 5. So far, so good. I can't believe tomorrow is the big day. EMBRYO TRANSFER here we come! We are so anxious/nervous/excited to hear the results of the biopsies. On one hand, we would love for all of them to come back normal with no chromosomal abnormalities. But on the other hand, if they are all normal, then what caused our 5 miscarriages? Then, we'll be worried that maybe it does have something to do with my body not accepting the pregnancy. But I'm on tons of meds to help keep a pregnancy. There is nothing else to "fix" in my we'll just hope for the best!! Whew...we're a little stressed. Well, not stressed, just ready to hear how many little embies are still thriving tomorrow & how many of those are chromosomally normal. I really hope we have at least 2.

To help with the stress, I am doing acupuncture tomorrow morning before ET and then again on Tuesday. Acupuncture has been linked to increased pregnancy rates, specifically with IVF. It helps promote blood flow to the uterus, promoting embryo implantation. I'm really excited about it.

17 hours from now I will officially be with child (or children) :) Then, we'll need lots & lots of prayers and "sticky vibes" (that's what we women trying to conceive say). We need those precious embryos to stick!!

Well, wish us luck!!!

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