The final belly shot!

Soon-to-be Parents

Lucy Renee

Oliver Adam

Little Lucy all cleaned up!

Oliver pinking up after a rough start.

Well, I realize it's been 2 months since Oliver and Lucy were born, but give a Momma a break. Needless to say, we've been a little busy around here! So, for the birth story...
Starting at 34 weeks, I had a nonstress test every Monday and Friday to confirm all was well in utero. Oliver and Lucy proved to be very active and healthy each time, tolerating my many contractions with flying colors. We still can't believe it, but I made it to our scheduled c-section date...38 weeks gestation!
I did not sleep AT ALL the night before they were born...I'm sure that's pretty typical. We woke up, Kyle ate breakfast (I was NPO for surgery), and we headed to the hospital. I was checked in, my IV was started, and the wait continued. I was shaking the whole excited to meet my babies and so nervous for surgery. We took some good last minute video of my giant belly and at 1200 I walked to the OR for my c-section. The anesthesiologist started my epidural and before I knew it I was warm and numb from the chest down. It was a very strange feeling. Kyle was brought in the room shortly after and the surgery started. My OB doc said, "I'm making the first incision" and I was like, "What, you've started...weird!" It seriously was SO WEIRD! I couldn't feel a thing. I know you're not supposed to feel anything, but it was still strange. Then, a few seconds later, my doc was holding my precious daughter over the sheet for me to see!!! Lucy Renee Hammontree was born at 1245pm weighing 6 lbs 3 oz, 17.75 inches long! She had a head of dark hair, was pink and crying...the best sound EVER! Lucy's APGARs were 8 and 9. It was Oliver's turn next. After Lucy was born he turned breech and was all the way up by my ribs. My doc wanted to turn him to pull him out head-first, but he wasn't cooperating...she said, "Well, I'm going to have to pull him out by his feet." At 1247, Oliver Adam Hammontree was born! He gave all of us a little scare...he was very pale and quiet. I could hear Lucy crying and couldn't tell if Oliver had started. I kept asking if Oliver was okay and if he was crying yet. Kyle had to keep saying, not yet, but they're working on him. He wasn't breathing on his own so the nurses starting bagging him to give him oxygen. I heard them call for the NICU to come "just in case" he didn't come around, his heartrate had dropped to 100 bpm. Luckily, after about 2 minutes, he started crying through the mask and his heartrate increased to 170 bpm! What a frightening 2 minutes! His APGARs were 4 and 8. He pinked up quickly and had a beautiful little cry. Oliver weighed 6 lbs 7 oz and was 19.5 inches long. Big boy! He had little blonde ringlets...I was so excited to think he might have my curly hair. However, we don't know what happened to those curls...ever since his first bath his hair has been straight!
My recovery started out well, I didn't need any pain medicine the first 36 hours! I, that was so easy! Unfortunately, it was downhill from there. I developed a pretty large hematoma under my incision 2 days after surgery. It was very painful and they thought I may have to go back to surgery to evacuate the hematoma, relieving the pressure. Luckily, the bleeding stopped and my hematoma did not get any bigger. I was still very swollen for weeks afterward, but am finally completely healed.
We all stayed at the hospital for 3 nights and were discharged Saturday afternoon. WOW! We were so blessed to have healthy babies and no NICU stay!!!