This week we went to the Perinatologist & to my OB. Two more chances to see our children :) It is so cool to see how much they grow & change in just a week! They now have a cute profile, with their forehead, nose & mouth very distinguishable. We were told we have really "big babies", both Mac & Cheese have always measured bigger than average. That is a good sign. On Wednesday at my 11 week appt, Mac measured 11w1d & Cheese measured 11w5d. My mom had the opportunity to come to the appt & got her first glimpse of her grandkids!! What an exciting time, she had tears in her eyes as she watched them wiggle & flip & heard their heartbeats. I'm so glad she was there with me :) Their heart rates were about the same as they have been, in the 170s. We saw the Perinatologist on Monday. He was very nice & informative. Basically, he was impressed with the babies' development & wasn't too worried about the pregnancy. He wants to see me again around 20 weeks for an in-depth ultrasound to check for abnormalities. Otherwise, I will continue frequent ultrasounds with my OB to monitor the bleed & the babies' growth. I will have labs drawn to monitor my thyroid (which was a little overactive 2 weeks ago) & my clotting times (to make sure the Lovenox is doing its job). Also, I need an anesthesia consult sometime during my 2nd trimester to discuss these clotting times. As long as they are within a certain range, I should be able to get an epidural when the time comes. It's nice that my doctors are thinking ahead to delivery...that's a good sign, right!!!!
My next OB appt is in 2 weeks...I've graduated from weekly appts! Another positive sign :) I think it'll be a LONG 2 weeks, but I am feeling more & more comfortable with this pregnancy every day. I am hoping to have my complete bed rest downgraded to modified bed rest soon so that I can return to work (only doing desk work, of course). I'm still experiencing quite a bit of nausea, still vomiting every once in a while, especially if I haven't taken my medicine. I'm taking Zofran & Unisom once a day, sometimes twice. Hopefully I will start feeling better soon, with the end of my 1st trimester in sight! My baby bump is growing by the day :) So exciting! I promise to post pictures of my belly in the next couple weeks.
Look at those little babies!! How exciting! I hope they let ya off total bedrest- I'm sure you're going crazy!
ReplyDeleteThanks Tiff! Yeah, I can't wait for a little freedom. I've already finished 2 twin books & 2 fiction books! And I can't watch any more TV!!