Monday, September 14, 2009

33 Weeks

I went to work last Wednesday and just didn't feel right. I was having frequent braxton hicks contractions, felt lightheaded and was very short of breath. I left a couple hours later and tried drinking lots of water & laying on my left side. I was still having frequent contractions that were moderately uncomfortable, taking my breath away, so I decided to call my OB. I went to the hospital, and I was actually having contractions every 2-4 minutes! Yikes! That was scary to see. I ended up being admitted overnight for monitoring and terbutaline, a medication that stops contractions. Let me tell you, I HATE terbutaline! It is an awful heart raced into the 130s and I was very shakey with each dose. I received a total of 5 doses...3 shots and 2 pills. Despite all the contractions, my cervix remained firm and closed. Go cervix! Things settled down Thursday morning and I was discharged at 11:30 am.

I had an OB appt Friday to follow up and was pleasantly surprised by my doctor's outlook on the hospital admission. She isn't really concerned about the frequent contractions (I'm still having them, sometimes very frequently). She said she doesn't really care how many I'm having because they aren't causing any cervical changes. My uterus is now as large as a full term pregnancy, so it's going to contract. I'm just supposed to watch for an increase in intensity or pain. So far, so good.

1 comment:

  1. girl, this is like reading my story all over again! Yay for a cervix of steel! LOL..that's what I always said. Thank God you only needed the Terb shot and a couple pills. I'm already scared that I'm gonna have something terrible happen to me later cuz of all that they put me on! 5 different pills, terb shots, magnesium drip (absolutle hell), and the terb pump! I'm soooo happy you don't have to do all of that! I remember my first couple terb! Just imagine it being constantly pumped into you! Although you def get used to it. They had me wearing a blood pressure/pulse monitor too to make sure I wasn't gonna die. eeesh! Ahhh I'm so excited for you.
