Monday, March 2, 2009

Should've Knocked on Wood

Kyle & I were just discussing the other day how nice it's been this winter because neither of us have been sick. Well, we should have knocked on wood! Last Wednesday & Thursday I thought I had a serious flare of my allergies, sneezing non-stop & never too far from the kleenex box. But by Thursday night, it was sinking in...I was sick :( Being pregnant & having a cold is a horrible combination, let me tell you. I can't take any cold medicine & I am already dizzy & nauseated. Adding sinus & nasal congestion just makes it that much worse. Unfortunately I wasn't able to go to work last weekend. Yikes! It seems like I'm always having to take off. Hopefully from here on out it'll be smooth sailing, except for the nausea that seems to be setting in. I'm not complaining though, I'm happy to be having pregnancy symptoms. I'm just tired of the cold symptoms!! I'm feeling a little better today other than the migraine I had this morning. I haven't had a migraine in a long time. Hopefully they are not returning.

9 LONG days until the ultrasound! Time seems to be's agonizing :)


  1. I freaked when I saw your blog title!! I'm glad you just have a cold:) Hope you guys get well soon! And you know, hormones cause lots of migraines for those prone so that's kind of a good thing 'cause it lets you know those levels are still up!! YAY!

  2. Glad to hear the pregnancy is stilling going strong!

    The cold thing is hard, I just went thru it myself a few weeks ago. You just have to sit there & be miserable. Hopefully it will pass soon!

  3. Congrats on your pregnancy and good luck at your upcoming u/s-how exciting!!!!!

    Hope you feel better soon.
