Friday, February 20, 2009

HCG Tripled!

I had my 2nd beta HCG yesterday. Results...1007!!! So my HCG went from 344 to 1007 in 48 hrs! That's almost triple! I asked Brandi (our nurse) if she thought I could be having twins & she said, "I'm always wrong so I don't want to say for sure, but you at least have 1 VERY healthy baby in there if not 2!" Such good news :) Now we can enjoy the weekend. More labs on Monday & then we will schedule my 1st ultrasound for the week of March 9th. We can't wait to see how many babies are in there!!

I've been off work the last 3 weeks to grow this baby/these babies. Tonight is my first day back. I've been so tired the last few days...I'm a little nervous about being able to stay up all night! It's been nice to have the time off but I'm ready to go back. Remind me of this at about 2am :)

I'm hoping to enjoy this sunny day. I think my mom & I are taking Vegas to the dog park here in a little while.

Well, have a nice weekend!! I'll update on Monday.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations!! I've been following your blog for a few weeks and hoping and praying with you. I hope you have a wonderful pregnancy and no matter how many babies you have this time, you will be a mommy soon!! Best wishes!
